Christian Resources

Answers In Genesis

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Answers in Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips the church to uphold the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. The thousands of articles and media programs on this site answer questions about creation/evolution, dinosaurs, and much more.

Article: Da Vinci Code: Secret hidden truth?

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To the casual reader, it is nothing more than good fiction—a murder mystery that pits the keepers of the Holy Grail against Opus Dei—the ‘keepers’ of the Catholic church.  So why the outcry?  Well, one reason is that the first page makes a bold statement that the novel is based on historical fact ... read more

Billy Graham Association

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Christian Answers Net

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A mega-site providing biblical answers to contemporary questions for all ages and nationalities with over 30-thousand on-line files accessed over 58-million times per month

Christian Spotlight on the Movies

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Movie and game reviews. An excellent resource for concerned parents.

God and Science

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An excellent site for information on science topics from a Biblical perspective.

resource type: link will "help you understand why you should register to vote, encourage others to do the same, and how to vote your values—because only you can elect your future!"


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