Articles & Posts
Are you a fan of the Olympic Games? So many people around the world get captivated by them… watching the world’s best athletes compete in various sports…some of which we never watch at any other time. There is something about the hype, the intensity, the joys and sorrows, the global nature of it all that pull you in. Well, at least for some, others wonder what all the fuss is about.
As a Christian you may have thought or wished that folks would put the same kind of interest, passion and intensity into pursuing God, discovering Jesus or developing a relationship with Him. Are the Olympics just a great distraction or even worse a form of human idolatry? Have you ever thought that God is present at these Games and could be working in the hearts of those who are involved?
These “modern” Olympics were the vision of a French baron, Pierre de Coubertin. He was educated by Jesuits but seemed to have lost or given up his Christian faith or heritage. He was fascinated by the “Ancient” Olympics from Greece and by a British form of Christian education and sport nicknamed “Muscular Christianity”. He dreamed of and worked toward a renewal of those ancient games where the youth of the world would unite, compete and help bring peace to the world. It was all summed up into a philosophy that is supposed to drive these modern Games known as Olympism. For the latest 2 minute video produced by the International Olympic Committee to inspire the athletes one month before the games begin. Note the themes of bringing things out of darkness into the light, accomplishing great things through unity, building a place for everyone and we are stronger together. These are all noble themes that resonate with the human heart. Click Here The World Only Moves Forward When We Move Together ft. Usain Bolt, Naomi Osaka | #StrongerTogether - YouTube
But without Jesus humans will never become who they were created to be by their loving Father, nor fully accomplish great dreams of unity and peace. The Olympic games brings both inspiration and disappointment to many.
Since 1966, AIA has been helping athletes experience the hope and purpose that comes from following Jesus, and equipping them to use their platform to be part of God’s mission in the world to make disciples of all nations. By serving, training, and sending athletes as influencers into the world, we are building spiritual movements everywhere through the platform of sport so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
For about 50 years AIA have had staff and volunteers at the Olympic Games ministering to the competing athletes and using the platform of the Games to share the gospel. For example, I was at the USA Wrestling Olympics Trials in 1972, and was an alternate on the 1976 and 1980 US Teams (we boycotted Moscow 1980). After ministry at the 1984 Olympics in Sarajevo and Los Angeles and at Seoul in 1988, I had the privilege of being a chaplain inside the Athletes Village at the Barcelona 1992 Games. I have been at every Summer and Winter Olympics since 1996 as an official volunteer or chaplain. I have been selected as one of the international chaplains for Tokyo 2020 (21) but all ministry will be virtual.
In a few weeks the postponed 2020 Tokyo Games are scheduled to begin. Due to the Covid restrictions these Games will be like no other. Athletes normally are under great pressure at an Olympics… they have trained for years, they have high hopes, there are great expectations coming from their family, sport federations, the press and their nation. A great performance could change the destiny of their life. These upcoming Games will be even more stressful for the athletes. They must adhere to a large number of Covid safety protocols before they depart, when they arrive and during the Games. They cannot go anywhere in Japan except the Athletes Village and their competition site. No family members can come and watch them. There will be many restrictions inside the Athletes Village which normally is a great meeting place with lots of entertainment, unlimited food and the mixing of athletes from around the world. These athletes will be lonely, isolated from the normal support people in their lives but still expected to deliver great performances.
Since Noreen and I moved back from Russia in 2010, we have been part of the AIA Global Events Team. Until 2020 I was often traveling to Eurasia (Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) or to other countries hosting Multi Sports Events (Pan Am Games, World University Games, Asian Games, World Championships). This month the Global Events Team is partnering with AIA Canada, AIA Singapore and some of our International staff from Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia to serve the Olympians. We want to ”be there” for any athlete, coach or support staff as they deal with these challenging circumstances. We have a twofold strategy to connect with Christian and seeking athletes to minister to them during the Games and to create a community of elite believers that can be assisted at these Games as well as in the future.
AIA Teammates have created a closed and safe Facebook group that athletes will be able to join. There they can connect with, encourage, pray for and be prayed for with others from all over the globe. This community will grow over the months and years and be a go to resource for fellowship, good teaching, encouragement, ministry training, and more.
Secondly we are creating a daily, live, online “zoom chapel” meeting each evening during the Olympics. Competitors will be able to join online from their location in the Athletes Village or a pre training site they might be staying at before they head to Tokyo. During our chapel they will be welcomed and encouraged, there will be a short time of worship, a devotional talk from the scriptures and an encouragement from a former Olympian. Athletes can stay longer on the call for personal prayer or just to meet other athletes who are competing.
You can imagine all the technical details that have to come together in the next couple of weeks to prepare these events as well as the internet connections that must come together during the chapels.
Please bring all these details to the Lord in prayer!
• The recruiting and recording of messages by devotional speakers and Olympians
• Training of emcees and zoom hosts
• Selection and streaming of worship songs
• Figuring out some kind of translation strategy for non-English speakers
• That the athletes will feel safe, confident and will have time to join us.
These ideas are a new experiment and also a trial run for the future. If we use Facebook and other Social Media platforms to create a community of elite athletes around the world, we will have a tool to continue to minister to them year round despite their busy schedule and travel commitments. We also want to learn from this online chapel idea and then utilize it for a myriad of elite athletic events that take place all year around the globe.
Thank you for your prayers---my role on the daily chapels is to help train the emcees and recruit speakers and athletes to be part. I need your prayers as I continue my learning how to better use social media, Zoom, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Google Docs. I will send another update before the Games begin, with some links so you can see what we are doing and join in praying for some of the Olympians.
Thanks for your partnership.
Carl and Noreen
Athletes In Action Global Events Team
“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” I Peter 3:15
As we continue these difficult times, as parents you may feel overwhelmed in navigating all the challenges that lay before you. It seems like such a scary time to be raising children in such a fallen world. But you are not alone. You have been given one of the greatest tools, God’s word the Holy Scriptures. As believers we also have the gift of the Holy Spirit to help guide and teach us. And God also designed the church, the body of believers to encourage and walk along- side one another.
As parents we are mandated to bring up children in the fear of the Lord, children who will Love God and others and make a difference in the world. We want to bring up children who will be kingdom shapers, whose influence in this world will draw others into the eternal kingdom!
Even so, we may feel great discouragement and inadequacy during these times. Some of our children are experiencing a lot of fear and insecurities as our world changes. We can either allow these challenges to pull us down or we can place our faith in God and trust him to use it for His good and glory.
These times can be an opportunity to teach our children about God’s great love for all people and his wonderful care for others and how to treat others the way He would treat them. This is also an opportunity to teach our children about the unchanging love of God for them and to help strengthen our faith in God’s care and to place our trust in Him. Here are a few parenting resources to help guide you. Please feel free to reach out to us to let us know how we can be of help to you or if you have any prayer requests.
Because God loves your kids and so do we!
Rebecca and Your Chapel Wood Kids Ministry Team
Parenting Tools and Resources to Help with Challenging Times
Helping Children work through Fear:
- Listen to your child. Talking about a specific fear may help your child learn to deal with it. Listen to what he says and how he talks about the fear.
- Recognize your child’s fear without passing judgement by laughing or saying unkind words.
- Answer your child’s questions honestly. Clear up any misconceptions your child may have in relation to the fear. Keep your answers simple and age appropriate.
- Model a calm attitude for your child to follow. If you respond to a situation in fear or panic, your child will pick up emotional cues from you.
- Prepare your child when you know he will face a fearful situation. For example, if your child is fearful of people wearing masks, show him the mask he will wear. Explain simply that people are wearing masks to keep germs from spreading. Let him see you put on a mask, and then help him put his on and practice wearing it. Let him look in a mirror while wearing his mask.
- Offer ways for your child to calm himself through reading, listening to music, or playing a board game.
- Provide ways for your child to express his feelings through drawing, pounding play dough, or making a paper bag puppet.
- Provide reassurance to your child. Spend extra time with your child. Remind him that God cares for him.
- Read books together. Some books can help children deal with their feelings. Use Sometimes I Am Afraid to read about fears and give reassurance through the Bible thoughts used in the book.
- Give your child opportunities to do something to help others. Your family could make cards for grocery store clerks or your postal carrier. Let your child draw pictures or make a homemade book to give an elderly neighbor. Doing things for others helps a child to see beyond his own needs, and also gives more of a feeling of control to the child.
- Remind your child that God is always with him. Think of Bible verses that give you comfort and say these with your child.
- With preschoolers, use the Bible thought: God is my helper. I will not be afraid (see Heb. 13:6).
- For school-age children, use a Bible verse such as: When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3.
- Pray for and with your child. Encourage your child to talk to God in prayer when he is afraid. Guide your child to know that we can go to God in prayer at any time. Pray together and ask God to give your child strength and peace.
Excerpted from Joy Smith, WMU National Preschool Consultant. You can read the full article at
Great book to teach about God’s love for all people
ColorFull: Celebrating the Colors God Gave Us

Checking-In | This Week's Kid's Bible Lesson | Future Kid's Connect through Zoom
by Rebecca | May 2, 2020
Happy May Day! I hope that you are all well. I hope that have found some sort of routine or normalcy during this challenging time. We truly miss you all and especially getting to love and minister to your kids.
I hope that within your weekly routine, you have made Bible study and Worship an essential part of your family time. If you have not, I encourage you to do this. The Lifeway At Home Bible material is a good guide for this. If you haven't already signed up for this you can still do it by going to, setting up an acouunt and use the redemption code VZMD4SSQ38. Each week they update with a new Bible lesson.
This week's lesson is on the Holy Spirit and may foster some great discussion about when a child is ready to become a Christian and how the Holy Spirit plays a role in that.
I've also attached the activity page and the conversation starter for you to download. If you don't have the ability to print off the activity pages, please let me know and we will try and get the pages to you.
Here is a format you could follow.
- Watch the Intro Video. After the video, click the BACK button in your browser to return to the main menu, or swipe left on your iPhone.
- Get the Downloads at the top right of this page: Print out the Activity Page and One Conversation Guide.
- Gather your Family around your computer or mobile device. Open your Bible to the scripture passage on the One Conversation page.
- Watch the Video portion together as a family.
- Talk About the Story and the topic of the week with your family. Ask open-ended questions. Share your insights and encourage your kids to talk.
Make a May Day basket - Make a paper cone and fill it with fresh or silk flowers and put a handle on it using ribbon or twine or paper. Hang on your neighbors front door with a little note or Bible verse to brighten their day.
Kid's-Connect through ZOOM
I would also like to see if we can possibly do a Zoom meeting to connect with our kids and see how everyone is doing. We would also do a little Bible lesson and prayer time and have some fun!. If this would be something that your kids could do, please let me know. Zoom is free if we keep our time to 1 hour and very easy to use. We would make sure that our meeting place is secure and everyone would need a personal invitation to join our meeting time.
Please let us know if there is anything that our church can do for you or how we can pray for you. Our Chapel Wood Sunday messages our currently being live-streamed on Facebook as well as on Youtube at 11 AM. You can go to to access.
Again we all miss you very much! Hugs to all your wonderful kids.
In Christ's Love,
Rebecca and Chapel Wood Kid's Ministry Team
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...Psalm 46:1-2a
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Register if you are a new user or Login if you already have an account
Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38
Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again, sign in) and then click “My Dashboard,”
and go to LifeWay Kids at Home
Step 5: Download your Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the video session
Tips for a Family Sunday Routine
It is so important for our children's sake during this time to keep a regular routine and that includes Sunday worship. Here are some tips.
- Get up at your regular time for church
- Get dressed as you would for church
- Set a time aside to worship together
- Sing, pray, Read God's word and discuss what you are learning. (use the conversation starter sheet below if you need guidance)
- Enjoy a meal together
I trust this finds you all well. This certainly has been an interesting week full of many uncertainties. It seems so surreal. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed as you try to find a balance of working from home and home-schooling your kids, all while worrying about finances and keeping your family healthy. It certainly is a challenging time, but if we can shift our perspective just a bit, it also is an opporutunity to bring families together, to play, to learn and have meaninful conversations.
This time can be a gift for families to be together even more deeply in the Word of God. It is a time where parents must step up and take on their God-given role as teacher and spiritual discipler in their kid's lives. Though we can't all be together physically this Sunday as a body, I want to encourage you as a family to stop and take some time to worship at home. Take time to pray and study the word, finding it as the anchor for your weary souls.
If you aren't quite sure how to get started, Lifeway Kid's At Home Free Digital Pass is a great tool to help you get started. Here are the steps on how to access Lifeway Kid's At Home digital pass. It comes with a video of the Bible lesson and life application, a parent's guide for conversation starters and a missions video.
To get the free Digital Pass and access LifeWay Kids at Home, please follow the following.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Register if you are a new user or Login if you already have an account
Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38
Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again, sign in) and then click “My Dashboard,”
and go to LifeWay Kids at Home
Step 5: Download your Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the
video session
Are you wondering how to handle talking about the corona virus with your kids? Here is a great article to help guid your conversation.
4 Tips For Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
Please know that we will miss seeing you and your kids this Sunday and I know that your child's Sunday School and Children's Church teachers will especially miss your kids. Praying that God guides you as you shepherd your children through these uncertain times. May you have a blessed and special time of worship togther as a family.
Please let us know how we can pray for your family or help in any way.
In our Mighty Savior's Love,
Rebecca and Chapel Wood Kid's Ministry Team
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.. Psalm 46:1-2b

Fun Easter Activities to Celebrate Jesus is Alive! - Music, crafts, treats and a game!
by Rebecca | April 10, 2020
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and getting some fresh air. You might be running out of actrivities to keep your kids or grandkids busy during this time. So here are some fun family acitivities and ideas especially designed for this meaningful week of reflection and rejoicing as we move toward Easter Sunday. If you know of other families that are in need of ideas, please pass this on.
Click below to enjoy some free Easter music to sign along with your kids!
Kids Worship: Alive Alive
Here's a fun craft to do together!
Art: Make a Salt Dough Tomb
- 1 cup salt
- 2 cups flour
- ¾ cup water
- paint
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
- In a large bowl, mix salt and flour together.
- Gradually stir in water, mixing until it forms the consistency of dough. Use your hands to knead the mixture until it is no longer sticky. Allow your kids to create a tomb from the dough. Leave an opening for the tomb.
- Create a stone for the opening of the tomb.
- Place the tomb and stone on a baking sheet and set in the oven, bake until hard, approximately 2.5 hours, depending on the thickness of the art.
- As a family, paint the tomb while you talk about the excitement the people must have felt when they discovered the tomb was empty.
Fun: Resurrection Rolls
- 2 cans of crescent rolls
- 16 large marshmallows
- ½ cup melted butter
- ¼ cup sugar
- 2 tablespoons cinnamon
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Tell kids the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection as you prepare the rolls together:
- “Jesus is God’s Son who was sent to earth to pay the price for our sins. He never sinned. The white of this marshmallow represents the purity and sin-free nature of Jesus.”
- “After Jesus died, his body was prepared for burial. After He was buried, His friends prepared Him to be buried with oil and spices.” (Dip the marshmallow in butter, then in sugar and cinnamon.)
- “Jesus was wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb with a large stone rolled in front.” (Wrap the marshmallow in a one triangle of dough, covering it completely like a ball or rock.)
3. Complete the process for all 16 triangles and marshmallows as you review the story.
4. Place the pan of rolls in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Allow rolls to cool.
5. “After three days, His friends went to visit the tomb, but the large stone was rolled away. Two angels said, ‘Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” Reveal that when you cut open a roll or take a bite, the marshmallow has disappeared, leaving an empty “tomb.”
6. Remind your children that the rolls are sweet, just like the love God has for each of us.
7. Follow up by reading the Easter story together from the Bible so that your kids know the true story, and that Jesus died for them and wants to forgive their sins if they are ready to ask Him. Share your salvation testimony with your kids.
8. Finish by praying together and thanking God for sending Jesus who died for our sins and came back to life so we can have life forever.Don't forget the Easter devotions for the week! Just click on the link.
Blessings to each of you!
Rebecca And Your Chaple Wood Kid's Ministry Team
I trust this finds you all well and not going too stir crazy with isolation. I am looking forward to the sunshine and warmer weather they are promising for next week.
Family Easter Devotions for Holy Week!
This upcoming week is known as Holy week. It is a time to prepare our hearts as we reflect on the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. What better time to share and celebrate together as a family. Here is a worderful resource, with a daily devotion for you to share with your kids for the next 8 days.
I pray that you will use this an opportunity to share God's love and the gospel with your kids and grandkids!
At Home Sunday Worship
I hope that you were able to have a family worship experience these past few Sundays and perhaps found the "At Home" Lifeway devotion and activities helpful to guide you. It is so important for our children's sake during this time to keep a regular routine and that includes Sunday worship. Here are some tips.
Family Sunday Routine
- Get up at your regular time for church
- Get dressed as you would for church
- Set a time aside to worship together
- Sing, pray, Read God's word and discuss what you are learning. (use the conversation starter sheet below if you need guidance)
- Enjoy a meal together
Here's How to Access: .
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Register if you are a new user or Login if you already have an account
Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38
Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again, sign in) and then click “My Dashboard,”
and go to LifeWay Kids at Home
Step 5: Download your Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the video session
Please let us know if there is anything that our church can do for you or how we can pray for you. Our Chapel Wood Sunday messages our currently being live-streamed on Facebook. Go to to access.
We all miss you very much! Please give your kids a big hug from their Chapel Wood teachers! May God bless each of your families as you reflect and celebrate together this special Easter Season!
In Christ's Love,
Rebecca and Chapel Wood Kid's Ministry Team
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...Psalm 46:1-2a